“Home for the Holidays” airs Dec 23rd and Oxygenetix was backstage
December 6, 2009

The Oxygenetix Gift Lounge

Deciding which gift to donate wasn’t an easy task, as the Gift Lounge, sponsored by Oxygenetix, featured many unique and special products and gift packages.

In addition to sponsoring the gift lounge, cosmeceutical designer and creator of Oxygenetix, Barry Knapp, was on hand to provide celebrities with his new, innovative oxygen-infused makeup and moisturizer. Oxygenetix Breathable Foundation covers, heals, minimizes and even eliminates procedural scars. It has been medically proven, that the use of oxygen heals many conditions; the product was designed by doctors and treats a wide variety of skin problems, including skin injuries, wounds and rashes. The foundation also is effective with skin conditions like acne scars, rosacea and dry skin.
Barry Knapp in the Oxygenetix Lounge at "Home for the Holidays" with Faitj Hill and Tim McGraw

Creator Barry Knapp and his new product, Oxygenetix.

Our Editor-in-Chief, Jane Emery, states “I love this product for its natural look, flawless coverage, application and the science behind it.”

Patients enjoy the foundation’s ability to quickly fade post-surgical scars, almost completely erasing them so that no one will have to know about the work you have had done.The oxygen complex in this foundation, ceravitae, reduces those collagen cell and connective tissue growths that come along with aging or wounded skin.

